Each couple imagines conceiving their baby in the natural and sound way. However, in today’s unhealthy lifestyle, infertility has become a major issue. Wrong eating habits, stressful work schedules, irregular eating habits, and many such unhealthy ways prompt high odds of infertility issues. With continually evolving science and research, ZIFT or Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer is another addition to ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) that doctors are recommending widely for infertile couples to get a baby. (1)
Why opt for ZIFT?
ZIFT is a choice for couples if they have tried different medicines and all have proved to be unsuccessful in leading to pregnancy. For this process, there should be at least one open fallopian tube. (2) ZIFT can likewise help considering you have the following conditions:
- Unexplained infertility
- Ovulation issues
- Your accomplice has a low sperm check
If the sperm-check is low in the male partner, or if there were preparation issues in past IVF cycles, ZIFT can be utilized in combination with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). ICSI is a strategy that lifts the shot of treatment by infusing a solitary sperm specifically into an egg.
The process of ZIFT as Compared to IVF
ZIFT is a modified version of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). ZIFT process takes place four to six weeks to complete one treatment cycle. This treatment is performed when a blockage in the fallopian tube prevents the normal binding of sperm to the egg.
- In this process, first, ovaries are stimulated with the help of This is done to increase the chances of producing multiple eggs.
- After that, the produced eggs are collected through an aspiration
- These collected eggs are fertilized in a Now the fertilized eggs are transferred, versus 3-5 days as used in a regular IVF cycle.
- The fertilized eggs are then transferred to fallopian tube within 24 hours through a laparoscopic It is done through a catheter placed deep in the fallopian tube.
- In the final step is to notice the early pregnancy The doctor will use blood to confirm if pregnancy has occurred.
Advantages and Disadvantages of ZIFT Process
There are always pros and cons both associated with anything. If there are advantages of ZIFT then there are also some risks of this procedure. Therefore, here we are giving a brief of the pros and cons of ZIFT.
Advantages of ZIFT:
- Those couples who have extreme infertility issues can think about this strategy as help to have their baby.
- The best thing about this technique is that the specialist can affirm the treatment of egg before inserting it in the Fallopian tube.
- In this way, the specialist will just choose the best and splendidly created
- This strategy functions admirably on those couples who have attempted no less than one year to conceive normally and have 5 to 6 fizzled cycles of IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).
Disadvantages of ZIFT:
There are certain disadvantages or risks associated with this strategy and accordingly not all couples settle on ART or, to be precise, ZIFT. (6)
- In this technique, different zygotes are embedded in the fallopian tube to build the odds of accomplishment, yet it can likewise come about into multiple pregnancies. (7)Along these lines, the chances of having twins and triplets Occasionally, different pregnancies can be hazardous and there are more odds of an unnatural birth cycle.
- There is a danger of having an ectopic pregnancy, where the hatchling will create outside the womb in the fallopian tube itself. In such cases, it becomes necessary to expel the zygote through surgery or even the fallopian tube as well.
- A few women may grow excessively numerous eggs because of the fruitfulness of This can cause a few hormonal changes in the body, which are hard to deal with.
- A few examinations additionally guarantee that infants conceived through this treatment can have birth imperfections or disorders.
Effectiveness of ZIFT
The achievement rate for ZIFT differs drastically. It highly depends on a couple’s fertility issue and age. Women that are more youthful have more advantageous eggs and higher achievement rates. Ladies have around a twenty-two percent possibility of conveying an infant with each ZIFT cycle. (8)
Similarities and Dissimilarities Between ZIFT and IVF
- ZIFT and IVF both have a tendency to be ideal medications for women who have more serious infertility issues, for example, harmed fallopian tubes.
- ZIFT and IVF both include incipient organism
- ZIFT and IVF both furnish the doctor with the chance to choose the best quality embryo for
- ZIFT transfers the treated fertilized egg is put into the fallopian tube while in IVF; the prepared embryo is transferred into the uterus.
- The ZIFT system varies from IVF in a way that it requires an additional surgical method called laparoscopy to transfer the embryo in the fallopian tube.
Why is ZIFT a Better Choice?
ZIFT (Zygote Intrafallopian transfer) is a superior choice of other infertility treatment methods. Here the developed Zygote is transferred in the fallopian tube and not in a petri dish or uterus. The pregnancy rates with ZIFT have dependably been higher than with In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) and there are numerous purposes behind this.
The fallopian tube gives a superior domain to the embryo when contrasted with an incubator.
There is better synchronization between the embryo and uterus in a ZIFT, because of which implantation rates are superior as compared with customary IVF treatment.
ZIFT enables the specialist to sidestep the cervix. This can be exceptionally useful in women with cervical stenosis, or the individuals who have experienced failed IVF treatment in the past. It is so because the embryo exchange is actually troublesome or inappropriate.
Cost of ZIFT Procedure
ZIFT is an expensive procedure. It typically costs from Rs. 250,000 to Rs. 500,000 a cycle. The cost depends upon your location, the number of medicines taken, and the number of cycles you undergo. ZIFT may cost more than traditional In Vitro Fertilization. Before going for such treatments, make sure that you are with the best specialist because ultimately the success of the treatment is all that matters. Also, be prepared that your budget allows you to go for this treatment.
Make sure you set aside the opportunity to completely examine the consequences of fertility tests and the diverse medicines for infertility with your specialist before settling on any choices about what will be best for you. This will help in making the correct decisions and increasing the chances of effective conceiving.